Video About the Flag Memorial
Map link for location and directions
We originally focused on the Vietnam Era but have since moved to recognize all Veterans and POW/MIA's. There is a second
memorial representing present the most recent conflicts. The main task is the placement of flags in a large diamond-like shape.
We setup the outline and the flags are placed inside with a black field in the center representing those still unaccounted
Friday June 7th
Show up at Falls Township Park at 9:00 AM and help us place them in the ground. Rain or shine. Work ends when all are
placed. Bring friends the more the merrier.
Saturday June 8th
Free concert and day of reflection 12 PM till 7 PM ish
Porch Band
Mickey Jr
Blue Flame Six
Break Even Band
All Lit Up
Jed's Gold
Sunday June 9th
12:00 PM Motorcycle Run from American Legion Post 960 located at 1537 Woodbourne Road Levittown Pa 19057
Pennsylvania VA Outreach Van 12-3 PM
to Falls Park. Ceremonies begin after motorcycle arrival. Speeches, salute, and a conversion of the number of black POW
flags to American flags for all who have been recovered since last year. Then about ½ hour after ceremony we replace all flags
back in totes.
Now you can realize the size |

Falls Community Park Map |

Focus for event at Pavllion A |